Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Life Of A Lily – Editor's Pick


Happy Holidays Everyone!

It has truly been awhile since I've blogged to all of you and I must admit, I miss it! But lots have been going on with me since the last time I've placed a devotion or a reflection here that I must share with you!

I have been doing a lot more speaking lately! God has commissioned me to speak to others not only on my book and testimony but on the Heart of the Matter. What is it that truly concerns us? What is it within us that still causes us to be consumed with bitterness, despair, and the feeling that our prayers are not being answered? When we truly look at our hearts and do some soul searching, we may find that there are issues that plague us to the point of blocking all that God has for us, including the promise of our purpose here on Earth. Ultimately, God's purpose will be fulfilled, however it may take longer, just as Moses and the Israelites did when traveling for 40 years in the wilderness, or he may find someone else more suitable to fulfill it that truly has a heart for God. Remember if you don't use the talents God has given you, He will take it away and give it to someone else. What is it that you have been gifted with that you are truly not using for the glory of God? Think of this seriously and declare that in 2009, you will use what God has given to you, not by right or by your own merit or right, but because he loves you and wants to truly bless you!

To view more of this author, please go to! ■

—calling by:
lily ratliff

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